Real Estate Photography

Resurrection of A Good Man

Protector of innocence

Some things you can’t forgive.

Now he waits for judgment day

To seek atonement,

For his sins…


He wants to prove them wrong

No longer tucked within.

A chance of hope,

A chance at freedom,

A chance to rise again…


Born into a life,

Of secondhand and gin.

All he ever wished for,

Was a chance to shine, to win.


To build a new life,

Protect his family till the end.

But somehow he dropped his guard,

And made the enemy his friend.


A man without a soul,

Heartless to the core.

A life was lost,

A life was saved.

A new life forever more.


Resurrection of a NO GOOD MAN

Taker of innocence,

Ambassador of sin,

Hiding his imperfections,

Of a kind and gentle man.


Bound by deceit,

And promises he never keeps.

Wrapped in a beautiful package

But the wicked never sleeps…


Born with a silver spoon,

Spoiled rotten to the core,

He’s never lacked for anything,

But all he wants is more.


More of what you have to give,

More of what you don’t.

More until you have no will

No more, and then he’s gone.


Off to his next victim,

Another casualty

Another score.…

He sits, He lies, He waits.

A No Good man, out for more.

Gone Not Forgotten - Screenplay (Quarterfinalist in Story Pros Annual Screenplay Competition)
To Love Again? - Screenplay
Speak - Short Story
Youth of America - Poem
Mother Earth - Poem
A Political Affair - Poem
Perceptions of Love - Poem    
My Serenity - Poem
Bully Patrol - Children's Book illustrated by Rachel Jeanette Stolle


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